Dear Sweet Boy,
Sometimes Mama would like to do yoga by herself.

Lately, I have taken to getting up at 5am to do yoga. I realize this makes me sound completely crazy. The truth is I had a vibrant practice before I had Neil and post Neil it became more and more difficult to get through an hour of postures without Neil deciding he wanted to "join" in on my meditative fun. For Neil, yoga with Mama means squawking, throwing toys, and laughing at my awkward attempt to do tree pose. So 5am has been an hour uninterrupted bliss for me. That is, until yesterday morning when Neil decided to wake up at 5:15am. And yes, I did let him lay there a while. But when I could hear the baby chatterboxing turn into a real cry I headed upstairs, flipped the lights on and found this waiting on me:

Seriously, how could you not get him up?

And so we "did yoga" together. I on my worn down dark green Hugger Mugger mat, Neil in his sticky neon green bumbo. At least we've mastered our meditative stare.

Haha - yeah, I couldn't resist that face either. :)
ReplyDeleteI've thought about getting up at the crack of dawn to fit in some yoga but I can never quite pull myself out of bed. Those few extra minutes of sleep are so precious these days. So, no I don't think you're crazy - it's quite motivating and inspiring actually.
Summer usually gets up between 5:30 and 6, and so I wouldn't be able to fit much in some days, but even a few Sun Salutation would do me good. She's now sitting up in her crib, and it's so fun to walk into her room and see her just sitting there and smiling. I love it - best part of the day!
Wow! I can't wait to see Neil sitting up in his crib. Those morning grins are the best. We'll see if I can keep this yoga up once school kicks back in. Here's hoping:)